can we have visiting hours in heaven?
“Even just for 60 seconds, once every 365 days, can we visit heaven to rest from this exhausting world?”

Have you ever thought about a question that often lingers in your mind: can we enter the gates of heaven just for a while to visit our beloved loved ones and renew our weary souls?
I don’t want to forget their voices, their smiles, and how their eyes flickered when they looked at me. I keep wishing upon the stars and praying to the Father above, asking if the gates of heaven could open up for us. Just to see and hug those people whom we have missed deeply since they were chosen to be part of the beautiful paradise, like flowers picked too soon in a garden.
Who will listen to our long stories and nonsense jokes? Who will hug us whenever things get rough? Who will tap our shoulders when we think we can’t do it, and who will catch us if we’re too weak without them?
Awake at midnight, with a pool of tears in our eyes, we wonder: what if they never left? Would everything be this painful? We ask why they had to go, because nothing has been the same since they joined the light. The emptiness they left behind is a continuous heart ache, a reminder of the love we lost and the life that changed forever.
We keep hoping that one day we can move forward and let them go, realizing that we will see each other again, not now but soon.
“As we lie awake, the memories flood in, making the nights longer and the days harder to face. Every sunrise feels a little dimmer, and every sunset brings a fresh wave of longing, making it difficult to find peace amidst the pain.”
And there are times when we long for peace and serenity, knowing we can’t find it here in this world and…
If heaven had visiting hours, it would offer a solace from this exhausting world. Just for a moment, we could escape the constant struggles and find peace in the presence of our Father.
In His presence, we would find rest and strength, the burdens of life lifted from our shoulders. The chaos and struggles would fade, replaced by the serenity and love only He can provide.
But we must face the reality that there’s no visiting hours. Instead let us be grateful for those treasured memories we had. Remind yourself that:
“When pain is deep, go deeper in prayer.”
“Matthew 11:28 (NIV): "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."”